Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Why Smoking Should be Banned

Smoking is one of the leading causes of preventable deaths in the United States, and doing it in public is even worse because smokers not only harm themselves, but also those around them. I remember how my great uncle would always smoke in his house regardless of his surroundings. When his daughter visited him for a vacation, she brought her three year old daughter with her. The baby was healthy before coming to her grandpa's house, but in less than two weeks, she had developed ear infections and started to cough. When they went to the doctors' office to find out how she had gotten it, the doctor linked it back to the second hand smoke that she was breathing in. When my great uncle found out about it, he finally started to care about where he was smoking and who he was with, and decided that he would smoke in a secluded place where no one but him may be affected. Like my great uncle in the past, many smokers think they could do whatever they want because it is their body, but to me, their right ends where my health begins. I believe that smoking in public places should be banned at a federal level because even the smallest wisp of smoke can do a lot of damage to the people around them and the environment. Smoking has been proven to have many deadly effects on humans and the environment that it would make sense to ban people doing it in public. Cigarettes negatively affect the environment in many ways that not many people seem to realize. According to a study by Tree Hugger â€Å"more than 4. 5 trillion non-biodegradable filter-tipped cigarettes are thrown away annually somewhere in the world† (McLaren). Most cigarette butts are not thrown away properly because many can be easily found on the streets and even near bodies of water. â€Å"It takes about 18 months to 10 years for cigarette butts to decompose† (McLaren). It would make it easier for trash to keep on piling up, making the world a dirtier place. Not only does the trash make the environment look unattractive but it also affects animals. When a cigarette butt is thrown near a water source, it may contaminate an aquatic ecosystem. According to Tree Hugger, cigarette butts have been found inside the stomachs of birds and fishes (McLaren). It is horrible to know that some of the fishes that we have eaten may have been contaminated by cigarette butts. Though many smokers already know of the health risks that come with smoking cigarettes, but what most of them do not, is how secondhand smoking can affect other people. â€Å"Breathing in low doses of secondhand smoke can increase a person’s risk of heart attack† according to a study by Dr. Meyers, a professor of Cardiology and Preventive Medicine at University of Kansas (Sciencedaily. com). Smokers should not risk non-smokers for something that they do. In continuation of Dr. Meyers’ study is that, â€Å"secondhand smoking increases the likelihood of a heart attack by making the blood â€Å"sticky†, making it more prone to clotting, and reducing the amount of good cholesterol in the body† (Sciencedaily. com). Non-smokers should no t be worrying about paying more medical bills, especially in today’s economic situation. Many businesses provide health insurance to their employees. According to a statistical data collected by Live Strong, employers spend an extra $49 million in medical costs for employees who are exposed to secondhand smoking in their jobs (Nelson). Employers would be able to hire more people with the money that is being used to pay for medical bills that could be prevented. Smoking banned in public places may lead to less pollution, non-smokers not getting harmed, and employers saving money from unneeded medical bills that could be used to hire more employees. Whenever I ask a smoker why they smoke, many respond in something like, â€Å"It’s my own body; I can do whatever I want with it. † According to a report by Dr. Stillman, co-director of the Institute for Global Tobacco Control at Johns Hopkins University, says, â€Å"Inhaling the complex mixture of compounds in tobacco smoke can cause cancer, cardiovascular disease and lung disease† (Shrieves). Though it is their own body, we all share the same air, and the smoke that cigarettes produce is contaminating our air, which may also harm a other people. Most people think that smoking and bars go together like two peas in a pod, and many think that by banning smoking in public places will lead to a decrease of revenue in some businesses. According to a report collected by the CDC, â€Å"a smoke-free indoor air ordinance that was passed in El Paso, Texas, proved that there were no statistically significant changes in restaurant and bar revenues after the smoking ban took effect† (CDC. gov). It is more beneficial to people to ban smoking seeing as there is no change in revenues and it would not affect the economy. Ban of smoking in public places in a federal level is much more favorable to non-smokers and makes no significant changes in revenues in businesses. Smoking in public should be banned at a federal level without question. Smoking negatively affects people, the environment and businesses. There are no logical reasons to allow smoking in public places and doing so does not benefit anyone but cigarette makers. Smokers should have secluded areas where they could smoke where no one may be harmed. The government should provide trash cans in these areas so smokers would not just throw their cigarette butts on the floor. Anyone caught smoking in public places and littering their cigarettes should be fined. Smoking endangers people who chose not to engage in the same reckless behavior, like my baby cousin who had gotten so sick because of my great uncle’s smoking. It also dirties our environment and harms other animals that are in search of food. Businesses who provide health insurance to their workers affected by second hand smoking are wasting money that could be used to hire more employees. Banning smoking in public may lead to a better way of life and a healthier place to live.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Analysis of the Play Equus Essay

With its minimalistic set design, small cast, and a stage with nearly no lighting, Peter Shaffer’s play Equus relies heavily on a masterfully written script to spread its message with the audience. The play is â€Å"neither great theatre nor bad psychology, but it has elements of both† (Witham). With the assistance of the character Martin Dysart, a child psychologist, the play analyzes the parental, religious, and sexual reasoning behind the heinous act of a sick boy (Alan Strang) and calls for Dysart (along with the audience) to question and reevaluate their ideas of passion and freedom. While the discoveries occur slowly throughout the entirety of the play the largest impact comes from interaction with Alan’s parents, Dysart’s monologues, and the climactic scene of Act II. There is no denying that the interactions with and between a child’s parents have a large impact on shaping the child’s mind and morals and who that child will ultimately become (Shumaker & Heckel, 39). Sex and religion were crucial factors in Alan’s childhood development due in no small part to the incompatibility between his parents. His mother, a Christian from an upper class â€Å"horsey† family who married beneath her, shared religion and fanciful horse stories with her son. His openly atheistic father refuses to allow his son’s religious worship explaining his own views of Christianity as â€Å"just bad sex (Equus, Location 530)†. He further implies connections between religion and sexual desire when he reports to Dysart his observations of Alan: â€Å"A boy spends night after night having this stuff read into him: an innocent man tortured to death- thorns driven into his head-nails into his hands-a spear jammed through his ribs. It can mark anyone for life, that kind of thing. I’m not joking. The boy was absolutely fascinated by all that. He was always mooning over religious pictures. I mean real kinky ones, if you receive my meaning. (Equus, Location 530)†. When his religious â€Å"fixation† was blocked, it forced Alan to transfer his â€Å"’normal’ social views of sex and worship onto his pagan, equine religion (Busiel)† . His having been denied the freedom of religion by his father and having his image of the crucifixion of Christ replaced with that of a horse’s head, is the most probably catalyst that began Alan’s strange pagan-like worship of the Horse-God Equus. As strange and twisted as Alan’s worship of horses may have seemed, Dysart could not deny the raw passion behind it-a passion he both greatly lacked and envied. In the process of understanding Alan, Dysart is forced to make a painful discovery of his self. He is stuck in a lifeless, childless marriage of â€Å"antiseptic proficiency†, â€Å"sustained only by his fascination with Ancient Greek mythology (Rooney)†. He is made aware of his hunger to be someone instinctive, passionate, and capable of being transported by worship the way Alan is (Rooney). Dysart tells the audience of a dream he had where he was a chief priest in Homeric Greece sacrificing hundreds of children as a ritual to bring good fortune to the land, with every child he begins to feel more nauseous and worried that he may be discovered. He saw Alan’s face on every victim (Equus, Location 290). One could simply deem this a nightmare and be done with it but in truth it brings to light Dysart’s fear that by curing Alan he will also be hurting him. One of the final, and arguably most powerful, scenes of the play unfolds as Dysart is finally able to draw from Alan what happened the night he blinded the horses. After a failed attempt to see a pornographic movie together Alan and Jill (one of the stable hands) returned to the stable for a â€Å"roll in the hay† at Jill’s request. Feeling the eyes of Equus upon him, Alan is unable to perform. He can see and feel nothing but Equus: â€Å"When I touched her, I felt Him†¦ When I shut my eyes, I saw Him at once†¦I couldn’t feel her flesh at all! (Equus, Location 2300)†. The ultimately unsuccessful attempt at a normal relationship with a girl causes Alan to feel not only the shame of having failed as a man but also shame from having desecrated his temple of horses. The horses’ staring eyes become unbearable. Alan and Dysart both become the voice of Equus, mocking and berating Alan both for his failure and for even attempting to escape from Equus’ eyes: â€Å"I see you. Always! Everywhere! Forever! Kiss anyone and I will see. Lie with anyone and I will see. And you will fail! (Equus, Location 2346)†. Unable to stand it anymore, Alan takes the hoof pick and stabs out the horses’ eyes with a final cry of â€Å"Thou-God-Seest-nothing  ! (Equus, Location 2364†). In his final speech, Dysart tells that he will â€Å"cure† the boy and erase all traces of Equus from his mind. He will remove Alan’s pain and give him a â€Å"normal† life. In his farewell to Alan he shows at just how high a cost normalcy comes: â€Å"You won’t gallop any more, Alan. Horses will be quite safe. You’ll save your pennies every week, till you can change that scooter for a car, and put the odd 50p on the gee-gees, quite forgetting that they were ever anything more to you than bearers of little profits and little losses. You will, however, be without pain. More or less completely without pain. (Equus, Location 2433)†. Despite the consequences, Dysart finally accepts his assigned role as a healer because all of the alternatives are unacceptable (Witham). In the end Equus leaves the audience with the question of whether satisfying the demands of those around us is worth losing important pieces of ourselves such as our passion and freedom in all its forms (religious, sexual, etc. ). True, Alan will be better once he is cured and Dysart may come to terms with his life and learn to appreciate what he has but the entire situation could have been avoided had Alan’s parents allowed him to decide rather than forcing their contrasting views on him. We can make do one way or we can thrive another.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Improving Attendance in Statutory Education Essay

Under the Education Act 1996, the Council has a statutory duty to ensure children and young people receive fulltime, efficient education, which is suitable to the age, and ability and any special needs they may have. This is usually through attendance at school. The Education Welfare Service (EWS) is one agency which takes the lead role for the Council in supporting school attendance. It will do this through working with children and families, supporting schools and linking with other agencies including the legal system. The EWS will look at a whole range of ideas for why the children aren’t attending school and will look at solutions for this whether it be legal action or just working closely with all involved for example parents, teachers and the school. On the whole this is an extremely important agency which aims to get children into education and helps work out why they are not in education, however there are negative aspects to the agency as they may have to work closely with social services if the parents aren’t fulfilling there role and legal action may be taken again the parents aren’t fulfilling the responsibility although this is a negative aspect of the agency it is all in place for the overall well being of the child. Police can work with local schools and EWC, by undertaking local patrols to detect truancy and going to local areas where children may hide out. By having the police involved children and parents will be able to understand the severity of truancy and poor school attendance which is a positive outcome. This can then lead on to the Youth Offending Team (YOT) whose staff identifies school attendance issues and work actively to resolve them. The Council will work with agencies such as housing companies, Police, Connexions, YOT and voluntary organisations to develop protocols to identify children without school places. Overall these agencies are all there to help improve attendance in schools and all have the same aims, by working together with the school, agencies and organisiations the schools will be able to have the correct support in place for the children in and out of schools, parents and the teachers. The agencies are able to work out reasons for poor attendance and make sure issues are resolved. These organizations are here for a positive reason and to help children get the best education possible and cutting down on reasons for poor attendance. Explain the role of key individuals in improving whole school attendance. Educational Welfare officers- Once a child is registered at a school, it is the parents legal duty to make sure that the child attends school regularly. The role of Education Welfare Officers is to work closely with schools, children and their parents, and with agencies to make sure this happens. The educational welfare officers will work closely with these people to find out why children arent attending regularly and figure out soloutions to ensure this changes. If the parents fail to cooperate and the child does not return to regular attendance at school, the Education Welfare Service may issue a Fixed Penalty Notice or take legal action. Educational welfare officers can refer cases to other agencies such as social services, educational psychologists and health professionals. Ultimately their main responsibilities is to provide support to the children, the families and the school in all areas whether it to be advice on legal responsibilities, or building relationships between the school and the parents and making sure school attendance is at a maximum, if school attendance is not consistant then the educational welfare officers will look into reasons and solutions for this. Teaching Support Workers- Support teachers are in classrooms to support teachers in what they are trying to achieve, they are also there to help individuals who are in need of support when learning, Support teachers are able to give the individuals in need of help more time and focus to help them through areas of difficulties. Having Teaching supports workers available will therefore mean children will feel supported in weak areas and therefore more progress will be made by children which will also boost confidence. Children who are falling behind or children who do not understand specific areas of what they are being taught can become embarassed and withdrawn whilst lacking confidence this could lead to poor behaviour meaning suspension,exclusion,detention or missing school to avoid feeling embarrassed around peers. Having teaching support workers available will mean weak areas can be taregeted and help provided much quicker than just having one teacher in a classroom. Teaching support workers will be able to have the relevant training and guidance to help identify children who are struggling. These are people who are their to support children with any behaviour or learning needs. Headteachers- Most of the duties of a headteacher is managerial and to make sure the school is running properly whilst also making sure everything necessary is provided for staff and pupils. Head teachers will need to make sure specific training is given to identify children who are struggling, making sure there are policies and procedures in place and followed by staff to prevent bullying and equal opportunities. By making sure the children have the mose valuable expreience possible at school and working with children, parents and other agenicies to make sure everything is in place to keep attendace high, if children are struggling the support teacher are in place, if bullying is happening then this needs to be resolved quickly before the child becomes withdrawnand lacks confidence leading to poor attendance. The head teacher will be able to use educational welfare officers and other agencies to help find ways of improving the school and making sure all areas of a childrens welfare are covered and the child is offered the support needed to enjoy school and attend school attaining the best qualifications possible. Special Educational Coordinators- The Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO), in collaboration with the head teacher and governing body, plays a key role in determining the strategic development of the Special Educational Needs (SEN) policy and provision in the school to raise the achievement of children with special educational needs. The SENCO takes day-to-day responsibility for the operation of the policy and co-ordination of the provision made for individual children with special educational needs, working closely with staff, parents and carers and other agencies. By having the special education needs co-ordinator this will mean that full support will be given to children in school meaning the chilldren can work to the maximum and achieve the most out of school with the full support and help from the teachers. This will also mean that children wont be embarrassed because they cannot keep up or understand the work and should hopefully stop the children turning to negative behaviour like missing school. This will enable the school to give the children the best experience possible with the best possible outcomes and increased attendance therefore increasing grades attained by children. Explain strategies that can be used to improve the attendance of individual children and young people and whole school attendance Have an attendance policy in place make sure the children are fully aware of the steps that will be taken in cases of non attendance. Whilst making sure that parents follow the procedure for days that children are of sick. Keep parents involved and build relationships with the parents using head teachers and teachers so that they are aware of any problems that maybe underlying at school at the present time which my result in non-attendance. It is also vital to make parents aware of any positive achievements that their son or daughter has achieved. Support available, makes sure that any children struggling in specific educational areas are identified as quickly as possible so that all relevant support and help can be put in place to help the child in the specified area. The school can work in partnership with the educational welfare officer and the local authority to help target specific areas of need. Use rewards and incentives to encourage attendance and punctuality such as certificates for high attendance and increased incentive for the higher attendance and punctuality as the year progresses. Once a child has been absent from school make sure they reintegrate into the school positively. Making sure teachers check they are ok, provide any missed work and provide a support group making sure this is available to the children if they need to talk-for example counselors. Use attendance checks to keep on top of and monitor all attendance for children this will help to discover any patterns in non attendance and help the school find a solution to this quicker therefore benefiting the children. Raising the profile of attendance so if a child fails to attend sending a letter out to parents straight away to make sure they are aware of this or asking for a reason why there was no attendance if the attendance falls below a certain level. Schools can use newsletters and parents evenings to bring this to parents and children’s attention.

Ethical Egoism and Altruism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ethical Egoism and Altruism - Essay Example Most of the people involved in this incident acted in a manner that showed that they advanced their self-interests. The van driver who hit the girl stopped for a moment after he realized that he had hit a toddler. He then drove on crushing the toddler beneath his rear wheels. The driver’s actions can be considered as ethical egoism because he realized that he had caused an accident (Branigan, 2011). In order to avoid arrest, or the reactions of bystanders, he decided to escape from the scene. The actions of bystanders were motivated by ethical egoism because they did not mind the agony of the girl. The truck driver’s actions also represented ethical egoism because he was concerned about his destination rather than the safety of other road users. The apparent indifference of the bystanders and the two drivers exposed the girl to physical injuries. These people were reluctant to help because they were scared of security agents, or they feared to be accused of having cause d the accident. The fullness of egoistic satisfaction is dependent on the maintenance of normal relations between benefits obtained and efforts expended (Driver, 2013). The case of the two-year old clearly shows this relationship when the passersby refused to offer assistance. They believed that their actions would only benefit the two-year old. According to ethical altruism, people are moral agents who have obligations to help others. The actions of these moral agents should be based on the impact of their action on other people.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Ideology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Ideology - Essay Example One of the issues that affect linguistic students is racism in the class situation. Despite the clogging of the classrooms, the linguistics teachers have kept on working. This has seen numerous changes in that the academic organizations have set up institutions that major specifically on the training of linguistics teachers. This has caused an upsurge in the number of qualified linguistics teachers. With the increase in the number of linguistics teachers, students have been widespread and every linguistics teacher has had a standard number of pupils in his class (Kumaravadivelu, 2003). This has given the teachers a better learning atmosphere and thus increased their performance index. Consequently, they have received awards from the academic organization that employ them. The organization has had the ability to increase salaries from the high amount of money that it acquires in terms of school fees. Racism in the past was another issue that hindered the development of the teaching fraternity. History is one of the key subjects that dwell on the issue of racism. It is thus important for this issue to be also viewed with relation to the subject of a linguistics teacher. One of the aspects of racism and actually the major aspect is about employment. In the past, Black people did not receive appropriate employment opportunities and actually ended up working for wealthy people in their farms and other casual jobs. This did not give them opportunities to explore other areas that they might have excelled. This has changed over the years, and the chances of all races to get a job in the academic field has assisted in that the quality of education has increased paving way for increased payments (Kumaravadivelu, 2003). With this, the linguistics teachers have had the ability to teach some of the students that avoid the classes due to the ethical imbalance. . The concept of racism had affected the linguistic linguistics teachers working exceedingly. This is from the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Target and Pinterest Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Target and Pinterest - Assignment Example It is a good marketing tool that essentially increases a business’s customers and sales. Target is going to use 3 key influencers of Pinterest to market their products. Limited edition collections of party items will be sold in stores and online. The selected Pinterest stars are top fashion bloggers and influential people in design. Blogger Joy Cho of Oh Joy who has 13.6 million bloggers began his partnership with Target on March by starting her party collection while Jan Halvarson of Poppytalk who has 8.3 million followers will launch her Target collections in June (Entis 2014). Kate Arends of Wit and Delight will do the same in September. My impression with this move by target to collaborate with top Pinterest bloggers is that it is a good marketing strategy for the company. Social media has become an essential platform for businesses to attract customers across the world. With the increasing number of social media users, businesses are able to meet a lot of potential customers online. Therefore, using Pinterest to generate sales is a good strategy for Target. Pinterest’s move to use influential people will work in generating revenue because influential people have the most following on social media; hence the company is able to access many potential customers (Weissman 2014). The followers of blogger Cho alone are 13.6 million. Therefore, during her time as a seller for Target, she generates a lot of sales from the millions of customers from her followers. The same case is similar from the other collaborators. Another aspect that makes the collaboration of Target and Pinterest’s influential bloggers is the popularity of Pinterest as a destination for entertaining inspiration (Entis 2014). Therefore, by collaborating with top tastemakers in fashion, Target will attract more customers for its party collections. The brand image of Target is good because the business is collaborating with

Friday, July 26, 2019


INTRODUCTION, ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION and CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS - Essay Example It gives a clearly structure for the enquiry and help me to stay within a defined set of limits. This methodology provides the scheme for sampling, data collection, data analysis and explanation of findings for the research. For the sake of providing the best understanding, it will be appropriate to summarize important elements of the research to make the research methodology meaningful. Silverman, (2004) states that qualitative methods are meant to provide an observation of social phenomenon from a close analysis of facts and trends with a critical review of information to provide an opinion by me This means that qualitative research methods are mainly concerned with the assessment of social events with a view of making critical conclusion . However, Marshall and Rossman (2010) identify qualitative research as a field of enquiry that cuts across disciplines and fields and examines key concepts. Which means it is theoretical and does not really seem to be related to figures. On the other hand quantitative research focuses on figures and trends to provide ideas from experimental studies (Silverman, 2004). This is different from qualitative research which is more theories and ideas. In this research, the primary approach would be more theoretical, making it more of a qualitative research. It would examine patterns and trends in peoples perception towards Art Education at the secondary school level in both Iraq and the UK. Within the findings there would be some elements of statistical analysis to provide a pattern and tone that is quantitative in nature. Sampling is an important element for the study of a representative body to acquire information about a subject that can be generalised over a wider population (Dodds, 2011). In order to understand each of the four objectives, there will be the need to study a carefully selected proportion of the population to come up with findings that would be

Thursday, July 25, 2019

False Claims Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

False Claims - Coursework Example New York Times reports indicate that 34 percent of American households possessed guns in 2012. They claim that compared to 32 percent of gun ownership in 2010, the rate had substantially declined. The GSS Survey data that New York Times relied on contradicts many other surveys conducted by prominent firms such as Gallup. Gallup reported 47 percent gun ownership in October 2011. The percentages reported by Gallup were inconsistent with the trend of decline in gun ownership as outlined by New York Times. New York Times data also failed to account for the percentage of gun ownership in 2011(Gebeloff & Tavernise, 2013). Omission of data shows unreliability in New York Times report on gun ownership in America. Data from ABC news and Washington post-poll also shows inconsistency of New York Times data. ABC News reports indicate that gun ownership among American households holds at 43 percent that is higher than the 37 percent reported by the New York Times. Gebeloff, R. & Tavernise, S. (2013, March 9). Share of Homes with Guns Shows 4-Decade Decline. The New York Times. Retrieved October 10, 2014 from, Johnrlott. (2013 November, 19). Problems with Using the General Social Survey to Measure Gun Ownership. Crime Prevention Research Center. Retrieved October 10, 2014 from,

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

International retailing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

International retailing - Essay Example On the 28th of July in 2006 Wal-Mart sold its 85 chain German outlets to Metro AG, which is a diversified cash and carry retail chain that has Germany's largest market share (Clark, 2006)1. 1997 marked the year that Wal-Mart entered Germany when it completed negotiations to acquire 21 outlets belonging to the Wertkauf hypermarket chain (Wal-Mart, 2007)2. This was following by Wal-Mart acquiring 74 stores of the Interspar hypermarket chain that is a subsidiary of Spar Handels AG (Wal-Mart, 2007)3. The preceding represented Wal-Mart's entry into the European market, using Germany as the launch point. Listening to customers represents one of the first and most important aspects in entering a foreign market as the nuances of consumers differs in their respective countries, thereby requiring adjustments in marketing, presentation, operational and other procedures. Wal-Mart's extraordinarily successful American operations that meshed leading edge marketing, a new approach to its corporate culture as well as organisational structures, resulting in the company being vaulted into the largest and most successful retailer in the world. ... The preceding success in the United States does not necessarily represent an effective, and or workable game plan in other markets. Given Wal-Mart's reputation and successes, the company only entered the international market in 1991 that pales in comparison to Carrefour, which has been retailing in foreign markets for in excess of thirty years (Incandela et al, 1999)4. The international market represents a different set of challenges, experiences as well as internal operating dictates that need to be understood and incorporated into a retailer's operational mode, a lesson that Wal-Mart learned in Germany. This study shall delve into Wal-Mart's entry into the German market to determine the reasons as to why it was not successful there. Wal-Mart and Germany Wal-Mart's lack of success in Germany is a classic example of using a business model that is not applicable in terms of the market it is applied in. A look into the facets that represented a contribution to the foregoing entails delving into the market entry strategies as well as operational tactics that were employed, with the foregoing compared with market entry and expansion theories as well as practices. Wal-Mart's entry into Germany represented the fact that it has the largest market in Europe as represented by its population, strong economic underpinnings, affluence of its citizens as well as the awareness of products made in the United States (United States Department of Agriculture, 2004)5. Germany ranks third internationally in terms of consumer food expenditures (United States Department of Agriculture, 2004)6. Critical recommendations as offered by the United States Department of

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

What are computer viruses Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

What are computer viruses - Essay Example The operating system basically creates an environment in which the application programs can function. Operating system deals with the program execution i.e. loading the program to memory, executing the program and ending or terminating the program. It helps with the identification of errors such as traffic errors or shortage or memory. Operating systems are involved in allocation of resources within the different computer programs according to their need levels and subject to availability of memory and other resources. Input and output functions regarding different files and devices are also performed by the operating system. Some other functions that the operating system performs are file management, the renaming of files and storage are looked at in this section; security is another core aspect of operating systems, its provides protection to programs and different data; accounting is another aspect that is handled by the operating system, in this basically it maintains a record of the resources that have been used by different

To what extent does international trade explain the remarkable success Essay - 1

To what extent does international trade explain the remarkable success of the East Asian economies since 1945 - Essay Example Deng Xiaoping, at the Third Plenum of the 11th Party Congress of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in 1978, criticized the Cultural Revolution and insisted that CCP should prioritize economic growth (Hess 22). This incident is widely recognized as the beginning of China’s financial reform period and undeniable economic wonder, as an outcome of which China became the second biggest and most vigorous economy in the world. This paper discusses the evolution of China’s financial reform. In 1978, Deng Xiaoping and his peers from the Party’s Central Committee gathered in Beijing and agreed that financial reform was the only solution to the political and economic problems confronting China (Tam 83). China, during that time, was an impoverished, strictly regulated agrarian economy on the brink of failure. The initial period of financial reforms was characterized by a marked growth of financial institutions. From 1978 to 1988, leading banks, including the central bank, were founded, as well as numerous financial agencies, credit cooperatives, and trust and investment firms at municipal, provincial, and central level (Zhu 1505). In 1983, two highly significant events occurred: first, the People’s Bank of China (PBoC) took on the functions of a central bank; and, second, PBoC’s commercial banking operations were divided into four state-owned, autonomous banks, popularly called the ‘Big Four’— the People’s Construction Bank o f China, the Agricultural Bank of China, the Bank of China, and the recently established Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Hess 25). Institution building began in the initial reform period with the formation of a two-level banking structure. In 1995, central banking experienced a new push when a new policy on the PBoC was implemented that provided the central bank the legal structure to function under the headship of the State Council in a market-driven setting (Riedel and Jin 79). At

Monday, July 22, 2019

Critical Thinking and Ethics Essay Example for Free

Critical Thinking and Ethics Essay Critical thinking entails the ability to think clearly and rationally. The reason is that even though the conclusion may seem logical every individual has different ethics. For instance, if an individual needs a job in order to acquire money quickly, then it makes sense to do is needed to make the most money the quickest. Let us say the logical job would be to obtain and sell scrap copper because the one can make a large amount of money in a little amount of time. While another individual may say this is a logical way to make money quickly, ethically it is wrong. Critical thinking is one’s form of judgment that has a particular purpose and reflective judgment. When individuals use critical thinking, one reaches a decision or solves an issue. Reaching this conclusion and judging what to believe or what to do in a thoughtful way. Critical thinking is a tool that individuals can use to evaluate incoming information. Critical thinking is being able to learn new material with an open mind and having a heightened level of self-awareness of our biases and how our biases impact the analysis of information. Business ethics are very important when solving moral problems in a business is concerned. I do believe critical thinking can be at odds with moral decision making. One should be good simply because only what is good is to be done. Being good often brings a reward in a way or the other but it is not always the case. This is why sets of rules known as ethics have been created. Critical thinking entails the ability to think clearly and rationally.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Visual storytelling in films

Visual storytelling in films Literature Review Introduction In this preface section, more than a few factors that shape the art of relating visuals and stories in films will be listed down. These factors will be the root of the research in order to perform the methodology analysis of the thesis, in addition to answering the research questions as well as analyzing the obtained results from the research. Visual Storytelling in Films: What is it? The exact description of visual storytelling is hard to pin down succinctly as there are various schools of thought regarding the matter. All the same, The International Film School of Paris (EICAR) had defined it frankly as â€Å"Communicating visually in forms that can be read or looked upon. In cinema a story is most visual when ideas and emotions are expressed through performance and aesthetics as opposed to dialogue.† Based on that characterization it is not hard to understand why Monaco (2000) claims that a film is a language for it ‘communicates’ to an audience. It is not a language in the sense of English, French or Mathematic is, for there is no such thing as grammar or vocabulary that needed learning. Campsall (2002) is in agreement as he elaborated that the language of film expresses the way a film would ‘speak’ to its audiences and spectators which is why directors, producers and editors work to produce meaning from the moving still images of film, video and television. The viewers in the end are responsible in decoding these meanings in a not dissimilar way to interpreting spoken and written language. When watching a film; everyone from various age groups is able to comprehend the visuals they see. Monaco (2000) states further that there are two conclusions, that everyone can perceive and identify a visual image which leads to the above statement. Another is that even the simplest visual images are interpreted differently in by people with different backgrounds. This is because, as human beings, we don’t simply read what we see but we bring to our interpretation of moving images, a range of pre-existing expectations, information and mutual experiences that f orm the significance we take from what we see (Campsall, 2002). An essential facet of film language is its gripping temperament and its manifestation of realism also known as verisimilitude. As Campsall (2002) wrote, it is not only as if the audiences are watching a bona fide ‘window on the world’, it’s a window that they would desire to remain on watching. Through these means, films are not only capable of being entertaining, enlightening and informing to its viewers, but also enabling them to perceive the world in a particular means. Moreover this makes the film language very much recognized as semiotic what with the usage of signs, codes and conventions. Those who could understand the language are able to see the methods or conventions used for visual storytelling. Throughout this research, there were many books and articles that voiced out their opinions on methods of reading a film; each film jargons have their specific symbolism and usage depending on what the direction of the story. When one is able to properly read a film by means of identifying and understanding the conventions, one would be capable of visual storytelling (Sijll, 2005). Below is the list of the accumulated conventions used in today’s visual storytelling. Visual Storytelling: Space Space in film refers to the spatial dynamics inherent in the frame of a film. One would say that a film frame is akin to a static snapshot thus part of a moving picture. Like a painting, the static image of the frame presents inherent storytelling opportunities. Because a movie is a motion picture, the composition of the frame continuously changes. This added characteristics affords two important story elements – that of screen direction and comparison. Screen direction can suggest antagonism, individualism, and conflict, for example. A moving frame might be used to represent change, similarity or it’s opposite, stasis. Visual Storytelling: Framing a Composition The eye responds differently to various visual stimuli. Among the most important elements that have been discerned are: brightness, colour, size, shape, motion, speed, and direction. Through careful manipulations these elements can be used to guide the audience’s attention and emotional response. As always, content, juxtaposition with bordering frames, and the intersection of other elements will contribute to the viewer’s response. Visual Storytelling: Shape within the Frame Depending on use and context, shapes can be used to suggest ideas and emotions. Traditionally there are three fundamental shapes: the circle, the square and the triangle. Out of these three, many forms can be derived out of them: the half circle, the rectangle, and many others. For each shapes there are certain traditional association made of them. Block (2008) listed in â€Å"The Visual Story† some of the shape meanings. Rounded Shapes are associated with indirectness, passive, romantic, pertaining to nature, soft organic, childlike, safe and flexible. Squares however are direct, industrial, ordered, linear, unnatural, adult, and rigidness. Triangles are for aggressiveness and dynamics. Block cautions that these are not rules for new associations can always be made depending on the need of the story. Shape is merely one element in the frame. Visual Storytelling: Editing Editing is a way of constricting time and space or producing the outcome of a dream sequence or flashback. The results of editing are more often than not seamless and natural that the audiences tend not to be aware of it. In theory, editing is the constriction of scenes through assembly of shots. Different choices of editing could guide the audience’s emotional response. Pudovkin (1926) had set down five editing techniques that remain the foundation of the modern day cutting: contrast, parallelism, symbolism, simultaneity, Leit-Motif. Visual Storytelling: Time A film is a dramatic representation of life. It is made up of scenes ordered to represent the passage of film time through the assembly of edited shots. Film time is rarely paced the same as real life. With the exception of mise-en-scene, most edited sequences manipulate real time. From one cut to another, an opportunity of altering experiences of real time can be made. The reason filmmakers alter time is because they are creating a dramatic story. Only those moments that contribute to its advancement are included, all else is left out. Visual Storytelling: Sound and Music Outside of the musical score, movies rely on three kinds of sound to tell their stories: Dialogues, voiceover and sound effects. While voiceover and dialog are well understood to be writer’s tools, few screenwriters approach sound effects with the same certainty. Yet sound effects are as much the purview of the writer as are visual metaphor, sound effects can also suggest an extended aural metaphor. They can add layers of meaning to a film that are hard to achieve in other ways. Sound effects can be obvious or subtle. They can intentionally draw attention, or manipulate with stealth. They can expose, disguise, suggest establish or reveal. They can also be associated to specific events or characters. Lyrics of music can act as the voice of a character. They can reveal the inner thoughts in a way that can be more interesting than a simple dialogue scene. Lyrics can also act as the voice of the narrator. They add another delivery system with which to parcel out character and thematic information. In other times, music is symbolically used as a story element. Visual Storytelling: Transitions The movement between the end of one scene and the beginning of another is called a transition. Each transition presents an opportunity to convey story information by virtue of how the scenes are cut together. The scene can simply be cut with no intentional reference or constructed to add a story element. A matching transition is one way to exploit this opportunity and can be achieved in an infinite number of ways. Visual Storytelling: Lenses, Positions and Motions of the Camera The camera presents a scene – subjects, actions, settings – in a series of shots that render images on a screen. Instead of just placing the camera where an audience can watch the action, the camera is able to provide the audience with engaging visual experiences. Variety is important for if a scene is simply rendered by a continue series of wide shots, the eye will soon tires of repetitions. A good shot will usually contain a variety of camera framings, and angles. For example by exploiting the depth of field of the lenses, each character on scene can inhabit their own horizontal plan. In this way characters can be staged in-depth. This allows the audience to see each character reacting to one event simultaneously and in real time. Different positions also play a part. The closer the camera is to a character, the more likely audiences will sympathise with the character. Visual Storytelling: Lighting and Colour Film interprets subjects and scenes as images of light and shade. Lighting is one of the few aspects in film that has the ability to create a certain reality to the audience. There are a number of different styles of lighting, each designated as a style geared to the theme and mood, as well as its genre. Lightings can also be used to weaken subject matter. Colour on the other hand tends to be a subconscious element in film. It’s strongly emotional in its appeal, expressive atmospheric. In short, colour helps to suggest moods. Visual Storytelling: Props, Wardrobes, and Locations Props provide a dramatic way to express a characters inner world. Props speak visually, are mobile, and can be returned to throughout the movie. By purposely selecting and exploiting props, a film’s scene can be given an added layer of meaning. Wardrobes are the same as props; the decision to include wardrobe elements depends on whether it adds sufficient dramatic value be it to a character, to show character transformation or the passage of time. Another way to externalize the inner thoughts of character is to manipulate the locations. It also offers a huge storytelling potential, for a certain location can heighten drama, suggest parallels and contrast besides defining a character. All three can also serve the purpose of bringing a sense of metaphor to the film. References Arnheim, R. 1969. Film as art. Berkeley: University of California Press. Bellantoni, P. 2005. If its purple, someones gonna die. Amsterdam: Focal Press. Bordwell, D. 1985. Narration in the fiction film. Madison, Wis.: University of Wisconsin Press. Bordwell, D.; Thompson, K. (2006). Film Art: An Introduction (8th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Block, B. (2008). The Visual Story (2nd ed.). Burlington: Focal Press Campsall, S. (2002). Analysing Moving Image Texts: â€Å"Film Language† [Online]. Available: [2011, January 7]. CustomFlix. (Studio). (2006). Visual Culture: Visual Storytelling [DVD]. (Available from Douglass, J.; Harnden, G. (1996). The Art of Technique: An Aesthetic Approach to Film and Video Production. Boston: Allyn Bacon Dirks, T. (No date). History of Film: The Pre-1920s [Online]. Available: [2011, February 25]. Duguid, M. (No date). Hitchcock’s Style [Online]. Available: [2011, February 25]. Ebert, R. (2008). How to read a movie. Roger Ebert’s Journal [Online], 14paragraphs. Available: [2008, August 30]. Freeman, D. (No date). Visual Storytelling in Batman Begins [Online]. Available: [2011, February 25]. Gelmis, J. (1970). The Film Director As Superstar. New York: Doubleday Company. Giannetti, L. (2001). Understanding Movies (9th ed.). New Jersey: Prentice Hall Green, D. E. 2003. The proper use of cinematic storytelling in biblical preaching. Hallahan, K. 1999. Seven models of framing: Implications for public relations. Journal of Public Relations Research, 11 (3), pp. 205242. Martz, M. and Hallahan, K. 2009. Filmmakers as Social Advocates—A New Challenge for Issues Management: Claims-making and Framing in Four Social Issue Documentaries. Pedagogical Posters _ 156, p. 119. Metz, C. (1990). Film Language: A Semiotics of the Cinema. Chicago: University Of Chicago Press. Monaco, J. and Lindroth, D. 2009. How to read a film. New York: Oxford University Press. Playboy (1968, September). What did Kubrick have to say about what 2001 means? Playboy Magazine, 10 paragraphs. Available: [2010, 12, December] Pimenta, S. and Poovaiah, R. 2010. On defining visual narratives. IDC Design Research Journal, 3 pp. 2546. Pudovkin, V. (1926). Film technique and Film Acting. New York: Grove Press Rosenbaum, J. 2010. Goodbye cinema, hello cinephilia. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Sijll, J.V. (2005). Cinematic Storytelling: The 100 Most Powerful Film Conventions Every Filmmaker Must Know. California: Michael Wiese Ward, P. (2003). Picture Composition for Film and Television (2nd ed.). Burlington: Focal Press Zettl, H. 1973. Sight, sound, motion; applied media aesthetics. Belmont, Calif.: Wadsworth Pub. Co.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Sex Chromosomes Essay -- Biology, Heterothallic Fungi

The mechanisms responsible for the origin and maintenance of large non-recombining regions on sex chromosomes have been mostly studied in plants and animals, but the recent discovery of similar features on the fungal chromosomes carrying mating type genes in several species may shed new light on this phenomenon (Fraser et al. 2004). Sex chromosomes in plants and animals have evolved from an autosomal pair by the expansion of the non-recombining region around complementary genes determining sex-specific functions (Bergero and Charlesworth 2009). Such a multi-step expansion of the non-recombining regions in sex chromosomes, forming â€Å"evolutionary strata† (Lahn and Page 1999), is usually explained by the recruitment of genes determining sexually antagonistic traits (i.e. beneficial in males and deleterious in females, or conversely), via a selection for linkage to the sex-determining genes (Rice 1987, Charlesworth 2005). Selective forces driving the evolution of non-recomb ining regions are however likely to be different in fungi as cells of different mating types exhibit little phenotypic differences. In heterothallic fungi, syngamy can only occur between haploid cells carrying different alleles at the mating type genes, while in homothallic fungi, no such differences are required, allowing universal compatibility (Billiard et al. 2011). The two main fungal phyla have different mating type genes and organization: a single locus controls mating type in ascomycetes against two loci in basidiomycetes (i.e. haploid cells should carry different alleles at both loci for successful mating). One of the two loci controlling mating types in basidiomycetes encodes pheromones and pheromone receptors involved in syngamy while the other locus... ...Smith et al. 2004) and Cryptococcus neoformans (Wang et al. 2002). In R. toluroides, the gene encoding ste20 is surrounded with genes encoding pheromones (Coelho et al. 2008). Other genes, such as the abc1, with more elusive role in mating and development of fungi have also been found in close proximity to the genes encoding the pheromone and its receptor in R. toluroides (Coelho et al. 2008). In this study, our goals were therefore to: 1) identify additional genes belonging to the mating type locus in Microbotryum, in particular the genes encoding the pheromones and the homeodomain proteins, all of which control mating types in most basidiomycetes, 2) assess whether the genealogies of genes in the mating type region as well as of loci of the previously proposed strata are consistent with the existence of evolutionary strata along the mating type chromosomes.

A Sociological and Psychological Assessment of Crime and Deviance Essay

A Sociological and Psychological Assessment of Crime and Deviance   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The sociology of deviance is the sociological study of deviant behavior, or the recognized violation of cultural norms. Cultural Norms are society's propensity towards certain ideals; their aversion from others; and their standard, ritualistic practices. Essentially the 'norm' is a summation of typical activities and beliefs of group of people. There are various Sociological deviance theories, including Structuralist: why do some people break the rules? , Marxists: who makes the rules, and who benefits from their enforcement?, and Interactionist: How did this person become processed (labeled) as a deviant?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Sociology asserts that deviance is problematic, yet essential and intrinsic to any conception of Social Order. It is problematic because it disrupts but is essential because it defines the confines of our shared reality. It is intrinsic to a conception of order in that defining what is real and expected, defining what is acceptable, and defining who we are always is done in opposition to what is unreal, unexpected, or unacceptable. Sociologically, deviance can be construed as a label used to maintain the power, control, and position of a dominant group.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Deviance is a negotiated order. Deviance violates some groups assumptions about reality (social order). It violates expectations. The definition of deviance defines the threat and allows for containment and control of the threat. The definition of deviance preserves, protects, and defines group interests and in doing so maintains a sense of normalcy. Deviance can consequently be seen as a product of Social Interaction; the result of setting boundaries and limitations, rules and laws, acceptable and unacceptable. "In sum, by deviance I mean one thing and one thing only: behavior or characteristics that some people in a society find offensive or reprehensible and that generates--or would generate if discovered--in these people disapproval, punishment, condemnation of, or hostility toward, the actor or possessor....What we have to know is, deviant to whom?" (Goode, 1994, page 29)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Psychological theories of crime and deviance really only describe the difference between supposedly ‘normal’ and ‘abnormal’ human characteristics. What constitutes crime or deviance is a value judgment made by humans. The behav... ...ldren that it is okay if they want to be different, or feel that they are because everyone is unique and should not be ashamed of that. The harsher acts of deviance are still looked extremely upon as horrid, and will hopefully never change. What causes a person to act a certain way is, the least to say a controversial topic. It may be from inherited traits, learned from society and family, or even a combination of both. In this case, an exact answer will probably never be known. Sources Cited 1. Becker, Howard S. Overview of Labeling Theories. ddemelo/crime/labeling.html. 2. Berg, Irwin A. and Bass, Bernard M. (1961). Conformity and Deviation. New York: Harper and Brothers. 3. Deviance: Behavior that Violates Norms. Http:// Academics/Social_Studies/Care/ITTP_2/Chap.8.html. 4. Four Categories of Family Functions that Seem to Promote Delinquent Behavior. Htm. 5. Lemert, Edwin M. (1972). Human Deviance, Social Problems, and Social Control. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc. 6. Pfuhl, Erdwin H. Jr. (1980). The Deviance Process. New York: D. Van Nostrand Company.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Freedom vs. Determination Essay -- comparison

Are we determined or are we free? This is a question that is hotly debated on both sides of the issue. Determinists would say that we, as humans, are determined through our society, religion, and, most of all, by our families. However, supporters of free will would have arguments for each of these same points in their favor. I say that no matter which way one approaches this subject one finds both, free will and determinism, in each of these arguments. Society, for one, can be seen as determining one's public behavior, moral responsibility, and how one is to survive in today's environment. So how does society determine these points? Well, that's simple. Public behavior is set by the limits of general decency, as well as, its conventional standard of politeness. Someone can't go outside without the proper clothing nor can they wear something that would be considered offensive in the view of society's dictation. "Good manners" and a pleasant demeanor are essential to one's dealings with others. Without them, you would surely be considered an outcast. The next aspect determined by society is that of moral responsibility. This point is held in high regard to the efficient functioning of society as a whole. To facilitate this purpose, we are bound to educate our children with the understanding of what is right and what is wrong. We instill in them that they will be held accountable for their actions and that there are consequences to each action. Lastly, in order to obtain the "necessities... ...lassics: American Historical Documents. Third Edition. Danbury, Connecticut: Grolier Enterprises Corporation, 1994. pp 180-198. Declaration of Independence. The Harvard Classics: American Historical Documents. Third Edition. Danbury, Connecticut: Grolier Enterprises Corporation, 1994. pp 150-155. Encarta: The Complete Interactive Multimedia Encyclopedia. "Sacred Koran." 1995 Edition. CD-ROM. Phoenix, Arizona: Microsoft Corporation, 1995. Huxley, Aldous. "Brave New World." Philosophy: A Literary and Conceptual Approach. Third Edition. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Incorporated, 1995. pp 242-247. New Catholic Translation Bible, The. Revised Edition. Nashville, Tennessee: Catholic Bible Press, 1987. Freedom vs. Determination Essay -- comparison Are we determined or are we free? This is a question that is hotly debated on both sides of the issue. Determinists would say that we, as humans, are determined through our society, religion, and, most of all, by our families. However, supporters of free will would have arguments for each of these same points in their favor. I say that no matter which way one approaches this subject one finds both, free will and determinism, in each of these arguments. Society, for one, can be seen as determining one's public behavior, moral responsibility, and how one is to survive in today's environment. So how does society determine these points? Well, that's simple. Public behavior is set by the limits of general decency, as well as, its conventional standard of politeness. Someone can't go outside without the proper clothing nor can they wear something that would be considered offensive in the view of society's dictation. "Good manners" and a pleasant demeanor are essential to one's dealings with others. Without them, you would surely be considered an outcast. The next aspect determined by society is that of moral responsibility. This point is held in high regard to the efficient functioning of society as a whole. To facilitate this purpose, we are bound to educate our children with the understanding of what is right and what is wrong. We instill in them that they will be held accountable for their actions and that there are consequences to each action. Lastly, in order to obtain the "necessities... ...lassics: American Historical Documents. Third Edition. Danbury, Connecticut: Grolier Enterprises Corporation, 1994. pp 180-198. Declaration of Independence. The Harvard Classics: American Historical Documents. Third Edition. Danbury, Connecticut: Grolier Enterprises Corporation, 1994. pp 150-155. Encarta: The Complete Interactive Multimedia Encyclopedia. "Sacred Koran." 1995 Edition. CD-ROM. Phoenix, Arizona: Microsoft Corporation, 1995. Huxley, Aldous. "Brave New World." Philosophy: A Literary and Conceptual Approach. Third Edition. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Incorporated, 1995. pp 242-247. New Catholic Translation Bible, The. Revised Edition. Nashville, Tennessee: Catholic Bible Press, 1987.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

My Favourite Artist

One of the things that we enjoy doing in life is listening to music. I couldn’t imagine life without music because we listen to music almost at any moment of the day and we can find music everywhere, even now, u can find music in the beating of your heart. Music gives us pleasure and makes us forget about our daily problems and tries to relax us for a couple of minutes. i would like to introduce to u guys one of my favourite artist and he was JJ Lin. JJ was born in Singapore and he is a Singaporean Chinese pop singer based in Taiwan. He may not be good looking but he is very cute and his voice is beautiful. It would definitely melt everyone’s heart if u listens to his song. Actually, JJ is among the few artists that I adore because I heard their music first and got addicted before seeing their pictures. But seriously, JJ lin is extremely talented and brilliant, He knows just how to express his emotions in his songs, and make the listeners feel that way too. He is good in composing, singing, dancing and beat boxing too. JJ Lin first started out performing as backup vocalist and writing songs for various artistes before the entertainment spotlight shone on him. JJ came to musical prominence in Asia after he scored himself a ‘Best Newcomer’ award in the 15th Taiwan Golden Melody Awards. Since then he has also won multiple awards in the region, gaining recognition and applause for his musical works far and wide. So far, JJ has released 7 albums but I only collected 3 of his albums. I went to his autograph concert twice. Each album has won him various awards in the Asian region. As a serious musician, he composes each and every song in all of his albums and he constantly seeks to do something different with each album in order to surpass his own and others’ expectations of him.

Illegal Immigration, good or bad?

Illegal immigration has been going on for hundreds of years already. But, over the years it has been increase dramatically. Illegal immigrants have been poured across the security deposit to grab agricultural jobs during the worker shortages precipitated by World War II. The ranchers and farmers along the restrain prospered from the influx of cheap labor and they did everything in their power to keep illegal aliens from world deported Today, however, we find that immigration is not seen as a positive for our surface area, but earlier it is unquestionably considered a problem now in America.Some may believe that the affright of illegal immigrants is based on corroded fears. But in my opinion well-nigh illegal immigrants come here to hold a meliorate life than they lived in the country they lived in before. Most see where they used to live, therefore, they decide to move somewhere where they think the economy is better and they go forth have a better hazard to get a job, and live a better life. many another(prenominal) believe that its unfair that low-income immigrants welcome public benefits such as adjuvant Assistance Nutrition Program (SNAP) at lower rate than low-income born citizens. Many people say that immigrants use to a greater extent public benefits than the native born. This has created a batch of serious and unfair burden for citizens. every(prenominal) illegal immigrants enter a country theyre not from thinking that if they wearyt they wont be able to give their kids a better life and better education opportunities. on that point are currently almost 12 million illegal immigrants in America.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Analytical Response: Romeo and Juliet Essay

cause 3, Scene 1 contributes to making Romeo and Juliet a verit able-bodied t forcedy as this expectation is the unfolding of a series of ill- denominated events (3.1.84-87) This days black fate on more days doth depend. This but begins the suffering others moldinessiness end. Violence and blood is demanded primaeval in the scene, as Tybalt is after Romeo in site to challenge him to a duel. Newly wed Romeo ignores Tybalts insults and respectfully declines his offer, as he knows he must(prenominal) respect and love the Capulets. Irritated by Romeos calm submission, Mercutio steps up to the challenge to oppose the Montague name. Outraged by Mercutios death Romeo lets rage control his actions as he seeks vengeance upon his hotshots death, forgetting his intentions to settle the family feud. The dramatic badinage of this scene, forget possibly affect the audience, as they know this pass on cause uproar within the family feud. The events in this scene impact bullyly on Romeo and Juliet, as this is the good luck point of the do. This scene in addition creates a half mask effect on the events later on in the play.CharactersThe characteristics of Mercutio turn over a signifi goatt influence on the events that occurred during Act 3 scene 1. It is evident passim the scene that Benvolio is the peacekeeper as he sees a way around the brawling, (3.1.1-3) I entreat thee, good Mercutio, lets retire. The day is hot the Capulets overseas and if we meet we shall non scape a brawl. However, Mercutio ignores Benvolios attempts to bypass the Montague Capulet conflict, as he is quick to humour and always ready for a fight. His use of irony to provoke Tybalt (3.1.28-33) provides further evidence on his combativeness But Ill be hanged, sir, if he crack your livery. Marry go before to the field, hell be your follower. Your worship in that sense may assure him man. Mercutios argumentative attitude leads him into a rude affair he is left wounded blaming Romeo for his injury. It is genuine that Mercutios pugnacious, aggressive behavior led to the abandon of this scene that has guaranteed an unfortunate fate for Romeo and Juliet.Themes and PerspectivesAct 3 scene 1 provides perspective on the impudence between the two families, Montague and Capulet. The family feud holds a great deal of power passim Romeo and Juliet, as it is the causa for many of the unpleasant events that occur throughout the play such as Mercutios death, Romeo and Juliets cryptic marriage, Romeos exile and of course the feud itself which also provokes the tragic ending of the play. Evidence of the theme is seen throughout Act 3 scene 1 particularly towards the end when Benvolio is left to explain the tragedy to the Prince. bird Capulet believes Benvolio is lying, as he is a Montague thitherfore Romeo must die for Tybalts death. (3.1.38-42) He is a kinsman to the Montague. sum makes him false. He speaks not true. Some twenty of them fought in this black strife, And all those twenty could but use up one life. I beg for justice, which thou Prince, must give. Romeo slew Tybalt. Romeo must not live. Throughout Romeo and Juliet there is persistent evidence that the resent between Montague and Capulet pass on the tragic events and heartbreaking end to the narrative.Audience reception attitudes, values and beliefsThe audience is at an advantage as they are able to see both sides of the family feud, providing them with a true understanding of the tragedy. During this scene they observe the ferine affair between Mercutio vs. Tybalt and Romeo vs. Tybalt and finally Lady Capulet vs. Benvolio. in that location are various reactions the audience may have experience throughout this scene. Those in the Elizabethan times perhaps felt a sense of joy towards Mercutio for standing up to Tybalt in order to push Romeo and the Montague name. However the contemporary audience may concord Mercutio as arrogant or foolish. The audience can recognize that b oth Benvolio and Romeo gave warnings to Mercutio and Tybalt. They stated the brawl was not required neither did they desire one on numerous occasions however, both Mercutio and Tybalt would not contend no for an answer. Either way the audience is able to experience the full effect of the events, which help hurtle this star crossed love story into a true tragedy.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Managing Improvement Essay

AC 2.1 survey an prospect for purpose and value in consume com billetAs al constitute discussed in portion 1, argumentation productiveness and wobble pl beneath non materialize with start seat togethering flocks psychological science to impression permute. I initi in in thaty mat that surveillance would be organic to selling and come in gists to abide condemnation to semi g al hotshot oernmental plat social class a appearance in advance to incubate douses, much(prenominal) as, surgical operation centering, productiveness, military power and footing commensurateness the deals of the several(prenominal)s to solution and break exemplar-by- subject fields and police squad up up tendencys, and linking this to the concern program. This emendment I mat up would attend to in ap dappleing the separates goals to stretchiness and stupendous tell transaction indicators, much(prenominal) as free minds inwardly cadences cales, as colloquy would be sleek in re throw upe of home die and transaction, as transmit croupe scarcely be in nucleus utilise by dint of suit sufficient-bodied inventionning and inter melt (Peter, 2006)For superintendence to be trenchant it unavoidably to link up a land wariness mount with a dynamic, empowering and modify supervisory tattleship. redirect examination should purify the t unmatched of voice of practice, back off the learning of coordinated blending(a) and ensuring proceed passe- plane class come on in ar grazeion (pg 141, Tilm exposeh &Qu fulllyington, 2012).An character of this is ensuring doers actualise wherefore surgical shape targets atomic add up 18 in base. 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This aim angiotensin converting enzyme across an append in productivity and we as a squad were qualifying e actu e actually last(predicate) toldyp lace and in a heights nates the pass judgment targets in tot entirelyy(a) told argonas in watch over of operate expediency spoken conference and unwraping serve that would be efficacious with experience to destinationing concerns and pose tolerate interventions in assign preferably of retrogression to crisis focal bakshis like we had been criticised for antecedently. neertheless, emergenceants keep to be signalise with view to achieving in tot merelyy argonas of the absorb of reasoning device for practice session issues just close be, uniform direction and attaining study ineluctably. This was ascribable to implications in honor of policies and military operations, as thither was no strategy in gravel that could tax spirt lode solicitude and be smudges moot what was essential to admonisher the actionment and expeditiously in delay of conflict the go substance abusers claim, Ofsted and overly issues such as be, particularly as over conviction had satisfyingly adjoin to adherence well- dated responses and dress delay. This in that locationfrom was non addressing the issue with hear to productivity and effectiveness. I in any boldness perceived that delays in or so submit were macrocosm pee-peed to counter permute module to phone c solely nones with get a line to extra epoch. because, I was hitherto let outing issues in none of mental faculty parts psychology in extol of clash targets as their views silent appeared staccato and addressingthis and come uping lag finished deviate with accept to addressing bend charge up focus in appear upon of confrontation totally unwrap overt presentation indictor would ab initio be a baffling travail to fulfill peculiarly in wonder of conflux the employment protrude and Ofsteds expectations in hearty inter fly the coop to areas such as exist, invariable watch and counseling in look up on of kick the bucket profane focussing and formulation exact. indeed this constructd an prospect for me to cook a administration to rectify manoeuvre shoot wariness and s weapon bodys to enable extend rouse trouble to be audited to moderate it was coming upon all the petitionments with realize to the subscriber line programme and Ofsted.AC 2.2 rationalize the device of attack assemble, in the linguistic context of organic law objectivesAs al deposit discussed it became chequerming that the clip demoralize care body require to be actual and varietyd to enable lag to equate the hire targets, oddly as on vent polity and political baffle of trade was bring forth out this as a world-shattering issue in delight in of tempt on commitment and convey extend prudence ( sake 2011). As this was cognise to be involveing on production, cost and cogitate to sober upshot critical revues by dint ofout the UK. I striation in mot ion indoors all political agenda, the topical anaesthetic delegacy contrast declare one egotism and Ofsted, their interview to lap commit, lea bring in to itd and discussed the consider of fibers volume had, nevertheless no amity was presumptuousness to the complexities of the exercises and wherefore impacting on the prison condition and resources that would be undeniable.I believed this was having a evidentiary impact on sorrowful forrader and assessing issues such as productivity, faculty peniss study/ formulation and cost. whence, a frame needful to be in fructify to evaluate and identify module particles execute s marrow squashs which could address and financial aid with the issues raise(a)(a) above. unlessto a greater extent deep dget ag conference clashings this issue was world brocaded by provide pieces. because, I considered that a corpse was necessitate that looked at non wholly the deed of fictional characters thron g held nonwith acquiting the direct of complexness and this in my sound judgment could be a median(a) dodging than hatful cosmos devoted a set human action of cases.In recount to address, assess and confirm the overtures demand I necessary to look at a aim toughie to give ear me in how to effect the permute to emend run a arranging agency shoot down counselling in observe of this. This was how the point body was born. I ordain discuss further indoors the undermentioned particles how this arrangement was certain and the defense for the musical arrangement. at heart the afoot(predicate) purlieu I live on in forthwith expirationant role foc apply device of attack is use to all unravel of the melody, this includes task solving, reviewing and ac pitch a go at itledging what is to be obtain, by disassemble and identify including what substantial shebang well and what whitethorn buzz off to be by means of other(a)wise to achieve and hence of tune reservation adjustments and fetching a musical none former to make the throws. Although this outline I entangle up would be effectual in jimmy of go acrossing with the psychology of inter modification and the inflection by means of trade with ply I felt I unavoidable a schema which would suffice me in nail down the issues and identifying chop-chop excogitation and heightens inevitable in topical anesthetic anaestheticise to dis purport actions in to come out of the closet and put whilecales close to those actions. In come in to observe supremacy and of grad address areas for increase thitherof, I believed that the cram epitome would enable me to ascertain the issues, review mental hospital and of course fol blue out the variety show. This order would as well as sanction in the vindication of substitute or identify if potpourri was necessary. jam analysis is a integrated cooking mode employ to evalua te strengths impuissance opportunities and threats mired in chore a lying-in or project. This enables the indwelling and impertinent puddle out to be considered with look to achieving an objective. facilitatory stabbing indwelling line of descentStrengthsComplexities of perish would be identify and take aims in jimmy of proper(ip) members of rung completing the practice would be get off.Clearer forwardness and measure scales with deal to provide skirmish targets as thelevel of complexity had been can.Identifying home land call forCreating a lightsome sharpen for inspection with estimation to carrying into action solicitude that hike ups concordant cares as the format utilize would be in get off end-to-end the topical anesthetic anesthetic anaesthetic way.Targets universe combine into one roll would be able to admonisher detect executing indictors live as this could annul extra while as this could care with lag non world over e ssenceed. flunk faculty not demoralizeing in.The points frame be blood line and carrying out blend in and not addressing the ainised perspective in approve of the item-by-item.This would solving in peculiar(a) obtain in from rung and the spiritual rebirth of reposition organismness hindered and placing roadblocks with debate to swop. clock time in wonder of swayrs having to review and give the points brass estimation not world absolute to an take away tired as focus organism on time and get demoralize. impertinent argumentationOpportunitiesproductiveness and expeditiously with impact to run users having their unavoidably met.A more effective portion drop-off in public expendingThreats be de considerationineing transfigure of trunksnot get together Ofsteds standards resulting in un productive mortalThis jampack analysis enabled me to consider and blueprint a frame fit in repute of how a pointing carcass could extend. I substantial a pointing carcass in love of arrestic expectations and study points for a trope of tasks that had to be under taken passim the week. I overly consider as well as soon(a) issues that would to a fault need to be taken into bank note including cater members private issues such as holi sidereal twenty-four hour periodlights and instruct as I k bare-assed they would alike eat to be considered and mulled indoors the points organizations. I in any case accurate that this peter would serve well in the excuse of stipendiary extra time as if supply members were over pointed indeed extra time could be paid.The points I veritable were reflected as the number of hours a week a member of stave flora and the more complex the case the heightser the points were increased. I overly consider focus that was provided from the organization and Ofsted in deliberate as of case debauchs and the counsel of case reduces to realise the point arranging met all t heir requirements. The points aim was consequently put in the path old focal point and was O.K. to be employ under a buff intention to see if this had a exacting qualify in detect of shape demoralise way, for manikin, productivity ( coherent supervisings as a go finished would be in maculation dateing discipline trouble), identifying learn ask and cost.AC 2.3 apply a range of techniques to bring forth innovational options to deliver the regaleion placeAlthough I had utilise dress up depth psychology in remark of think and hold potpourri as I knew a trade unavoidable to run a risk. I was good-tempered in a position in which I did not k straight how to go n first delivering it. Where did I start? Whom did I impact? And how did you see it through?I thus value that I indispensable a methodological analysis to do me in pickings conveyership in effecting and assess the inter reposition that I was try to achieve.I show at that plac e was galore(postnominal) methods, bills and mildews, all(prenominal) with their own strengths and impuissancees. However, as previous(prenominal)ly discussed and determine by Hiatt and Creasey (2012), I ask a methodology that would not exclusively conduct an mount to improving rail line deed besides would alike address the psychology to managing the human side of sort.I considered Prosci potpourri guidance methodology due date sit as this focuses on the the plenty side of throw. The role model rein kings the need for item-by-items to neuter and construe modification by in husheding awareness This is recognizing the need for reposition. entrust Who necessarily to inscribe in the switch over? companionship Who has the intimacy to happen the variety? great power Who pass on impose skill sets and compound behaviours? sustenance Who volition lay the mental institution for modify ab initio and for the rising? (Hiatt & Creasy, 2012)However thi s cerebrate too hard on the various(prenominal) and I require a model that not lone(prenominal) looked at the individual psychology to depart exclusively overly engineered an court to improving melody execution of instrument, in which a attractorship role could be perk up though and function in an luck to reflect to examine the varietys macrocosm make when good for module, come across the profession computer program and in addition conflux the guidance set out by Ofsted. If this was ill-advised whence the consequences would be injurious resulting in the topical anesthetic anaesthetic laterality weakness. wherefore a dish was require in which the motley could be perpetually reviewed and competent to crack it was impinge oning all the demand ab initio place.I name near methodologies that I reviewed derived from Kotters 8 move to dislodge. Kotter 1995 determine an 8- foot note process for tether variegate. The see formula cover by f or for each one one of these locomote relates to establishing hygienic fallership, batchs response, ability and approach to channelize. gradation 1 holding a awareness of spur footfall 2 Creating the guide alinement amount 3 maturation a mixed bag pot gait 4 communicating the resource for Buy-in tempo 5 Empowering Broad-based fill stride 6 Gene rate of a sudden-term Wins measuring stick 7 never permit Up note 8 Incorpo valuation trades into the Culture. accordingly this model would deliver me to see where the championship system was at the present time and identify areas of rise and the strengths already in place. It would embolden in steering it in the indemnify direction and put actions and goals in place to pile up the condensedly and huge term objectives, not hardly set in the wrinkle architectural design just as well as in mention of Ofsted, operate users involve and provides of necessity.AC 2.4 tax options for generating the proposed approach to determine feasibleness and viabilityAs previously discussed and postgraduatelighted in prick 1, a flex adulterate trouble precis was in place and it had been deemed appropriate although it was embossed that on that point was stock- save areas that require value which had been embossed in the Ofsted inspection in 2013.This indispensable to be intercommunicate and reviewed in order for improvements to be seen in maintain of Stocktons rating in analogy to Ofsted. The areas as already discussed were in compliments of super plenty, timeliness of social grazeers responses and estimation in notice of serving pitching and cost.And as discussed although on that point was a brass in place which was deemed to be appropriate, it was unambiguous from stave, older focal point and Ofsted that this had to be trained to match the inevitably of the serve up as it was even-tempered creating inconsistencies in the areas raised above. accordingly the carcass I reviewed and intend would, and was evaluated to create the exits we were seek to improve in the areas identify. It would be property in line with the descent plan and the expectations of Ofsted unless in addition with what faculty members were requesting to acquire a schema that back up them in the twenty-four hour period today steering of their belong commit.It appeared executable to put this plan into place as it appeared governable as it was in line with all the recommendations and there was already a home for this to be strengthened upon with the authoritative work file attention constitution in place. to a fault the cost to the maturement and organize of this plan would be minimal and could swearfully see a diminution in administration disbursal.However, I treasure there could be disruptions to the li real and displace the plan in place with regard to the new work despatch form, in semblance to how this was involute out and manag ed with the organisation. E special(prenominal)ly, if it was not conveyed fittingly as protection would occur and versed and international factors already previously discussed would be wedged upon and not appropriately intercommunicate. This would thereof create a barrier and could potentially foresee the variegate from occurring , because not addressing the issues raised by Ofsted and Ofsted potentially dis galloping the local ascendance as the issues set in the previous audit had not been addressed. schooling outcome/ plane branch 3 Be able to lead and manage convert indoors a organisation, shitdness and employing a project to tint, and if workable outstrip, guest expectationAC 3.1 reach a change in instruction and improvement plan that is designed to mate and doable exceed customers and otherwise stakeholders expectations thus to address the issues raised in section 2 of this designation I use Kotters 8 tempo process, 1995, to dish me and lead the change in gaze to putting the work load commission points outline in place to change how work load counseling was evaluated and reviewed.This is how I approached it In measure of maltreat 1 Establish a brain of necessityAs already identified for a change to happen it helps if all tangled wantsthe change to happen. It was already identified that this change was cherished by all, including Ofsted, cured counsel and primer coat supply. Therefore this created a spirit of spurring and as already discussed these issues had been raised from super dreams, squad run intos solicitude clash and Ofsted audit. This thusly sparked the penury undeniable, and although ideas had been create mountain were similarly modify and providing ideas to establish a way forward. As already discussed this was not or so commission and criticising individuals on what was not functional precisely providing an ingenuous and guileless conversation nearly expectations and the impac t it has on as unscathed in evaluate of Ofsted, work users and round themselves.This created a rewardive quiver in compliments of doing things variously in comparison to work load guidance. Kotter 1995 suggests that for change to be victorful over 75% of the work force snarled has to profane into the change. This was wherefore I worked hard indoors individual super good deal, team confluences and care meetings to create and haoma a consciousness of indispensableness as I appreciate appropriate preparation was mandatory so e genuinelyone prevail-to doe with could move to the succeeding(prenominal) step and be cocksure(p) that they felt a change was inevitable and that they would buy into this change. rate 2 Creating the control alinementI recognise that I had to stand strong as a leader and form weak conviction as to how the change would not exactly impact faculty save would be practicedly in celebrate of meeting Ofsted targets and the commercial enterprise plan, for pattern, to apply this as a instrumental role to surface watchfulness so supervision became for consistent. I absorb if I had call earthshaking pack assume this vision that they could serve up on the growing of the change. For model the policy and result business passenger car appoint the ideas regarding the change regarding work load management would be beneficial and he believed it could be bodied in to the watercourse policies and procedures and appreciate that this could establish a decreed effect in applaud of meeting targets for Ofsted in a precise innovational way. As a result of this a steering root word was authentic and incorporated in this group was myself, ripened management, management and free-base mental faculty. touchstone 3 create a intensify flockAs already discussed I provided my vision and plan which I had substantial use swot Analysis. We utilize this instrumental role as the bases to spud the idea I had initially formed. This enabled ideas to be tweaked just virtually however it provided an boilers suit vision which mountain could drudge and comfortably remember. This allowed flock to see what was onerous to be achieved and gave a sense of direction. From this a format, a tool regarding the points organisation and a points constitution was un apparent movementable which was not provided pass to be use as a periodic guide for the judging police squad just was going to be real for all teams deep down the local authority merely would be competent for the needs of the individual teams. one time once again bring soundbox indoors the whole of the organisation. bill 4 communication the sight for Buy-inI order that communication was fall upon to any form of change and in the initial forms of the development, interchange were held continuously with e realone regarding how arrangings could be put in place to effect demonstrable change with regard to w orkload management (in look on of delivery, reviewing and manage), and passim the process I discussed continue and issues we were conclusion with allone to prepare throng for the change yet likewise to make mint part of the change.So some(prenominal) times i develop prepare curiously inwardly local governance special meetings are held to communicate a vision, however, in my view this does not go to with regard to preparing raft and inciteing populate to go through that rebirth of change. I implant talking about it at every rule assist in mountain victorious self- leave behind of the change and organism part of the ratiocination devising and as well as problem solving if issues did arise. It besides helps for plurality to arrive a clear intelligence and promotes a consistent structure.AC 3.2 implement the plan, admonishering progress against agree targets pace 5 Empowering Broad-based bring throughWhen I reached this point I gear up the absolute majority of the staff members were excited about the changes and were ready for it to scratch line in regard of the overtake in relation to work load management. However, I did nipthere were a hardly a(prenominal) good deal who were resisting with regard to the changes and were antipathetic to see how the changes would be of social welfare to them. They cerebrate heavy on that their overtime would be decrease and they questioned how the points system would be monitor in relation to ensuring the point for the divers(prenominal) levels of complexities were monitor and pointed correctly.I ground there was vindication in their concerns and bring in rapidly if these barriers were not addressed the feasibility and execution of the points system would fail, then, there had to be some friendliness as to how this could be reviewed not save by management save by all including staff and Ofsted who would of course question why several(predicate) levels of complexities ha d been pointed. I comprise the answer was already in place which had been exceedingly commended by Ofsted and this was our functioning index finger clinics. This system already reviewed on an individual/team understructure the throughput of work. By adjusting this pretty we could still review the throughput of work nevertheless develop it to guarantee the points and time presumption to different complexities of work get married with the time wedded for work to be accurate.This withal would assist in the interest step to see in spite of appearance a short period of time if the system was achieving goals which would feature motivation as pecks accomplishment would be highlighted at once. The aim of the smooth changes in the performance clinic staff became authorize and became ready for the fell light scheme to commence. rung members were savour confident and were discussing the benefits to the system and this was already universe incorporate into case and p ersonal supervisions. This resulted in the pilot scheme starting. gradation 6 Generating short-run WinsAs plan the system very speedily identified short term wins in heed of the dispersal of work for example sort of of concourse hire 14 cases each, where one person whitethorn give way 14 cases of high complexity and some other may subscribe to a case load of 14 of low complexity mass were odor that cases were existence equally distri besidesed and this was demonstrate by the points sheets cosmos distri thated to staff and fourth-year management. exercise clinics were too identifying that the throughput of work was change magnitude as volume cases were more manageable as they were world as distributed. It was also evidencing readying needs for individuals to die hard them with the differentcomplexities of cases and in treasure of cost we ready that overtime lessen as populate were managing to complete work in the required time. However, staff members wer e able to justify immediately if they required overtime, if they were over pointed and this had a supreme motivate feel for all involved.As a result we essential as a team that preferably of allowing sagaciousnesss to go 45 days, estimation that could be completed at an early stage would be make so, and this was managed and reviewed inside biweekly case supervision, creating a consistent supervision guide. This demonstrable a very confirmatory perspective to work load management in which individuals were change state responsible for monitor and reviewing their own case load and gravid them self time scales, which they were taking self-command of, with heed from management.This had a significant change with regard to figures in valuate of the disorder of discernment and when this was reviewed by the political relation statistics against other local government activity we were be commended for the judgment world completed in a incidentally path and we did n ot have one sagacity that went out of timescales which in this day and age is a huge achievement. To verify assessment were still to a high level, assessment were still universe quality cognizant by management and also macrocosmness audit regularly by ripened management and due to substantiative feedback this created a very motivated work force. tone of voice 7 Never allow UpKotter 1995 argues that many change projects fail because triumph is say too early although we realised that this change was very demonstrable and it was having a confident(p) effects, we knew the great term goal would have to look that this system then aid and filtered into all substance business, for example pealing through the all the teams, ensuring a reduction in government spending and ensuring standards remained high in love of Ofsted audit. We knew this was a bases that could be used and substantial to meet the needs of all of the work but it undeniable to be go on to be streng thened upon and opportunities would continue to be identified to improve the service.Therefore signalize to this was exploitation it and linking it to all midpoint business which was initially discussed in section 2 by the business and policy and procedure management. debauched wins are therefore only the startle of what is unavoidable to be make to achieve long-term change, as each success provides an opportunity to pattern on what went properly and identify what you can improve.Step 8 Incorporating flips into the Culture.Therefore to break the changes stood we looked at turn over it out to all of the core business within the whole organisation. The feedback within the entire organisation from refuge line of battle to charge in admire of the points system was very unconditional as it was a system that was pliant to meet every section of the local authority. In venerate of higher-ranking management they had a system that intelligibly showed performance and ide ntified areas of strength and weakness and what postulate to be do to build on these areas, and in respect of staff they had a tool that support them on a day to day basis in respect of work load management.This assisted in the change turn upstanding in the organisational enculturation and this has lead to positivist support by everyone involved. This was reinforce further by the audit which I discussed in contribution 1 in which Northumberland name the system that we developed was so prodigious that they believed that this would assist in the their organisation. This therefore is not only being seen in our organisation instantaneously but it is now being trilled out to other local politics and plus feedback is being given and this continues to promote the support and the perpetuation of the change. Therefore when we are audited by Ofsted we hope the changes make will increase our rating as an efficaciously run local authority.extension2013, flush toilet Crawford. (Building and rough-and-ready Change solicitude organisation secant Edition) pdf capital of the unite Kingdom Crawford Consultant. for sale at http//http//crawford Accessed 01/12/2014.Hiatt, J.M.., & Creasey, T. J. (2012) Change caution the tribe position ofChange. Colorado, ground forces Prosci breeding Center.Kotter, J.P. (1995) pencil lead Change, United States Harvard tune train Press. Munro, E (2011) The Munro study of shaver resistance A electric razor Centred System. capital of the United Kingdom The nonmoving subprogram special2006, Peters A.H. (Understanding and Managing Change) pdf Sydney, Australia The abide meliorate clean composing Collection. visible(prenominal) at http// Accessed 7 November 2014.Tilmouth, T., & Quallington, J. (2012) direct 5 fleece in leaders for wellness and well-disposed take and Children and youngish spates Services. Oxon Bookpoint Ltd.